We binged Netflix's 'Twentysomethings: Austin' so you don't have to. Here's what we learned.

Kelsey Bradshaw
Austin 360
The cast of "Twentysomethings: Austin" navigate life in the city in a new Netflix reality show.

Of the many questions we have about Netflix's new reality show "Twentysomethings: Austin," our main one is this: Why do they have so many clothes on?

The first six episodes of the new Austin-set reality show, which was filmed in fall 2021, dropped on Netflix on Dec. 10. The next batch of episodes will come out on Friday. The season is 12 episodes long. 

Even though it was the fall, we all know it doesn't get cold in Austin until January or February. We have the sun beating down on the cast members and cicadas blaring in the background. And yet! These people are wearing hoodies. They're sitting outside in sweatshirts and sweatpants and they have so many hats? We guess bucket hats are acceptable for the summer, but not beanies.

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Cast members are filmed having full-blown conversations outdoors in Texas with layers of clothing on and not a bead of sweat can be seen. It was very distracting, OK?

We'll get to the rest of the show, which is whatever, but if Netflix could please explain how these people are staying dry, that would be great.

Beyond the questionable fashions, we'll break down what you need to know about the new reality show, if you haven't been able to watch.

What is 'Twentysomethings: Austin' about?

"Twentysomethings: Austin" follows eight out-of-towners, four men and four women, as they move to the Texas capital for the first time: Abbey Humphreys, Raquel Daniels, Bruce Stephenson, Natalie Cabo, Isha Punja, Kamari Bonds, Michael Fractor and Keauno Perez.

They live in two houses, which have that brand-new-Austin, container-box feel, that share a backyard with a pool. Girls are in one house, and the boys are in the other. 

That's ... it. They're just living here, and we're watching. Which, OK, fine, yes, that is how most reality shows go. But this writer (that would be me, hello) grew up watching "Jersey Shore" on MTV, and that show was immaculate.

Kamari Bonds, left, is pursuing a modeling career in Austin. Bruce Stephenson interviewed with Round Rock Express in the first few episodes.

The showrunners of "Jersey Shore" at least set up some sort of structure for the cast. Each had to work weekly shifts at a T-shirt shop, and it was perfection. They had a schedule to fulfill and drama occurred when cast members were late to work or hungover. 

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What if this group all got jobs working at a paddle-board rental place on the lake? Or maybe they work at a P. Terry's or Amy's Ice Creams. A group job gives the cast more reasons to be together and talking, and it gives them more interactions with locals. 

"Twentysomethings: Austin" is entirely dependent on the 20-somethings to come up with things to do, it seems. So we end up getting a lot of scenes of the cast texting each other to go get food. In the first episode, they do discuss going to "a concert" all week, and we think maybe the show set up that playdate for them since they just keep calling it "a concert" or "the concert." They go see Austin band Nané, which is one of our favorites here at Austin360

Keauno did enter the house on "Twentysomethings" by saying "Party's here!" which is how Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi entered the "Jersey Shore" house for the first time. So that's something.

In this show, some of the cast members are looking for jobs and others are not, which leads to a lot of downtime. Isha attempts to get her fashion line stocked in local boutiques; Abbey tries and fails to become a bartender at East Sixth Street watering hole Latchkey; and Michael is pursuing a standup comedy career. Bruce gets a job offer with minor league baseball team Round Rock Express, but you'll have to watch the show to see if he takes the gig. 

Please prepare accordingly for the two comedy sets Michael does in the first batch of episodes. He starts both by calling himself a pedophile, and they get worse from there. 

Again, the lack of narrative structure makes for a very tame show. We're used to reality shows being about screaming and sex and drinking. This cast just, like, goes to sleep; some of them look for jobs; and then they're always getting dressed for the day. Where is the drama? The action? One friends-with-benefits plotline does not a reality TV show make.

In fact, after the first two episodes, Raquel doesn't get any meaningful screen time for a few episodes. We literally see her only getting ready, and sometimes sitting with the group. She eventually returns to the confessional camera and is seen speaking with the group when they're out at Coconut Club. But what was that?

What Austin locations appear in 'Twentysomethings'?

It seems the group goes out about once a week, save for some dates of burgeoning couples. This is where we think you'll have the most fun — looking for all the Austin spots. We have dutifully noted where the cast has gone so far, and we have a list for you:

  • Wheatsville Co-op on South Lamar Boulevard
  • Quickie Pickie
  • Sawyer & Co.
  • De Nada Cantina
  • Rain 
  • Little Woodrow's (it's unclear which location they visit)
  • Lady Bird Lake 
  • Juiceland (we don't actually get to see which store they visit; Cabo and Bonds are holding smoothies during a car ride)
  • Desert Door
  • Black Feather Vintage Works
  • Revival Coffee
  • Fierce Whiskers Distillery
  • Whataburger (Isha is seen eating fries from an orange and white Whataburger container in the house)
  • Coconut Club
  • Cindie's
  • Feathers Boutique Vintage

Other spots, like Home Slice Pizza and Central Machine Works, appear in B-roll footage, along with many, many shots of South Congress Avenue, the Capitol building and the bridges over Lady Bird Lake. 

Some of the omissions are glaring: Why no grocery trip to H-E-B? Why did they go to a putt-putt place that isn't Peter Pan Mini-Golf?

What are the good and bad parts of 'Twentysomethings: Austin'?

Some parts of the show are endearing. Natalie has never really dated, and we get to see her try out dating apps for the first time. Natalie is the most likeable person on the show, too. She's from Miami, she's actually funny and she seems to be a very good friend to her roommates. 

Keauno is getting to express his sexuality for the first time in Austin. He goes on his first date after going to his first gay bar, and it's very nice. 

Abbey, as a TV personality, has some work to do. After she talked over Keauno while he was sharing his identity with the group, we were miffed. She interrupted him to mention that she was bisexual; it's hard to know how the conversation went down without the usual TV editing, but as depicted, it was off-putting.

Michael Fractor, left, and Isha Punja strike up a romantic relationship in the first half of "Twentysomethings: Austin." One of their dates includes a game of putt-putt golf.

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Isha is so, so great. She fulfills the role of a loveable ditz, and we can't get enough. Kamari is our second favorite of the cast members. He's got the charisma for reality TV. Bruce is sweet, but a little forgettable and we hope to learn more about Raquel in the coming episodes. 

By now, we think it's become clear that we have a love-hate relationship with this show. If you are like us and your brain has turned to mush during the pandemic, "Twentysomethings" is great for easy viewing. But if you expect more out of your reality shows, maybe skip this one. It started to feel like a trudge two episodes in, and there are more to go.

If you love seeing what people who don't live here think of Austin, this could be the show for you. Even if you're just watching to hate watch. 

Here's where we'll leave it: Did we keep saying "OMG this is so bad" the whole time we were watching this first half of the show? Yes. Will we keep watching? Definitely.